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Aug 10, 2007 at 02:10 PM

As the ‘foundation stone’ for St Andrews, the DSP provides the guideline of the future development by focusing on identifying urban areas; activity centres and employment centres; major community facilities; road and rail networks; and recreation and conservation areas.

St Andrews will be a dynamic and flexible community made up of urban villages; educational centres; industry, technology and enterprise precincts; regional open spaces; and a vibrant city centre.

This ‘patchwork of a brand new urban fabric’ will be interconnected by a comprehensive and modern transport network that will extend throughout the City of Wanneroo and on to the Perth CBD.

The DSP will also provide the basis for more detailed local structure plans, which will guide the progressive development of the district.

The DSP, however, is about more than just the built form; it is about creating a new lifestyle.

The project will introduce some exciting new concepts in urban planning, such as informal and formal ‘social places’ in the urban streetscape design, with mixed uses and nodes of density and activity in a safe and easily accessible environment.

The community will have the choice of housing form and style - from low maintenance units and apartments to family scale homes and gardens – and the needs of young singles, older people and those with mobility difficulties will be specifically catered for.

All new homes will be served by advanced communications technology, and many facilities, including schools, shops, libraries, parks and plazas, will be within a short two to five minute walk of the ‘front door’.

Creating a ‘local economy’ is also an integral part of creating a new community.
Businesses in St Andrews will have the option of being run from the comfort of home or based in one of the industrial estates, mixed use business areas or the City Centre’s central business district.

A local economy will generate the need for support services and industries, providing an essential source of sustained local economic investment and growth. It will also create an economic base that goes beyond the regional, with a set of economic activities that reaches national and international markets.

The vision for St Andrews is to deliver the highest quality urban form via advanced planning and design, creating a sustainable economy that integrates local natural, historic and cultural characteristics to create a unique ‘sense of place’.

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For more information contact or 1300 786 289.

Last Updated ( Sep 11, 2007 at 02:35 PM )